Au revoir

We didn’t do quite as much on Sunday. Not very many things worth talking about. More pastries (I had two for breakfast today), lots of sights (famous bridges and statues) and the burial place of Napoleon.

To be honest we were knackered, cold, and ready to go home. Well I think Dan was ready to go to Paris Disneyland but we didn’t quite have time for that. We decided to walk to the train station, Gare du Nord to kill the time we had left. An endeavor to say the least since it was quite far and we were so tired and cold.

It ended up being a lovely walk after a bitter start. The wind couldn’t get us after we got off the big wide streets and into the winding, small streets. We saw some things along the way and arrived at the station with just enough time for one last Parisian meal.

I almost ordered Andouille- which is intestines. Well I wanted to try something new, but the look the waitress gave me made me chicken out and go for le poulet instead. Mussels are what came so I guess it didn’t matter what I ordered. We ate, dessert included, because my friend is a bad influence on me, and headed off for our train.

Thank you British border control, your ridiculous questions nearly made me miss my train. There is something romantic about running to catch a train in Paris though… Perhaps everything is just a little more romantic in Paris.

Some interesting things I noticed about Paris.
Their subway is incredibly cold. Even holding onto the hand rails inside the train was uncomfortable or impossible without gloves.
A lot of things are closed on Sunday.
If you ask someone if they speak English they will always say, “un petit peu” (a little bit) but then speak it very well, much better than my “petit peu de français”.
Their pastries are better, the best, just so far superior to… Everything else.
Things are more expensive than London (I barely believe it myself but I think it’s true!)
They have cute, tiny balconies in every window sill.
That’s all I can think of at the moment.

Pictures to follow if I ever get to it :). We actually took some pictures with cameras other than our iPhones, but not very many. We were just enjoying the moment.

2 thoughts on “Au revoir

  1. Oh Diamond, this series of posts on Paris really makes me want to go back there so badly! Thanks for sharing all your experiences – even reading about Paris is a good feeling 🙂 It’s kinda weird that I’m in Thailand but am feeling the travel itch – I didn’t expect that!

    • That’s so funny! I really don’t have the travel bug here. Everyday is still a bit of a challenge. It was nice to travel so close to London and be in a totally different culture though. That really doesn’t happen at home. (Unless you count French Canada, or the Deep South)

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